You receive notification messages as soon as there is a change in your bank card, whether you received money in your account, paid something, withdrew money from an ATM or any other transaction
It is a customer information service via SMS, Telegram, notifications sent to the cardholder regarding the transactions carried out with the bankcard and through the card account indicated at the time of subscribing to the service.
Subscription to the “VB Notifications” service can be done:
a) At ATMs Victoriabank
b) Online, accessing the Bank's website
Access the Victoriabank "VB Notifications" chatbot from the search bar or open the phone's "Camera" app and scan the QR code below
What types of cards can be subscribed to the VB Notifications service?
All Victoriabank cards issued to individuals.
* VB Lunch cards can only be subscribed to the VB Notifications via Telegram service, using the IBAN which you can get from VB24 Mobile or VB24 Web.
Who can benefit from the VB Notifications service?
The “VB Notifications” service is activated for the card account. If you have more than one card attached to your account, even if the card is for an additional cardholder, the service will be automatically activated for all cards attached to the card account.
The subscription to the Service can be made both by the Account Holder and by the additional Holder. The additional holder can only subscribe to the Service through a Victoriabank ATM.
So after the subscription:
What is the advantage of using this service?
You will always be informed about the transactions made through your card account:
If I have multiple cards, do I need to enable VB Notifications for each?
If you have more than one card attached to your account, the service will be automatically activated for all cards attached to the card account.
If you have more than one card account, you should know that the subscription will be made for each card account separately.
How many SMS can I benefit from if I subscribe to the VB Notifications via SMS service?
Currently, Victoriabank provides you unlimited monthly SMS subscription for notifications, alerts and other messages, which you will receive from Victoriabank.
See Rates.
How can I change the previously chosen subscription to the VB Notifications via SMS service?
"VB Notifications" via SMS is one-time subscription and cannot be replaced by another subscription.
How do I turn off receiving VB Notifications?