Current account

A daily banking instrument, with which you can manage more easily and efficiently your money

About current account

The current account can also be used to keep money and make payments, receipts, bank transfers and foreign exchange. Depending on your needs, you can open accounts in the following currencies:

  • At the bank's counters – MDL, EUR, USD, GBP, RON, CHF, UAH
  • Through application VB24 – MDL, EUR, USD, RON

Amounts can be kept without a predetermined term, and access to them is made without restrictions.

Current account opening

  • We invite you to the nearest Victoriabank branch or agency with a valid identity card
  • At branch you will fill in account opening application and questionnaire for individuals
  • Subscribers to VB24 Web or VB24 Mobile can open online a current account

Special conditions

For persons who have not reached the age of majority (minors up to 14 years of age) and persons with limited capacity to exercise, the opening of accounts and their management is carried out by parents or legal representatives, under the conditions provided by law. If the account is opened by an authorized person, it is necessary to present a copy of the notarized identity document of the person in whose name the account is opened, a copy of his identity document, as well as the power of attorney.

Rules for executing the credit transfer

We would like to inform you that the deadline for the execution of urgent transfers received on paper:

  • 15 min – if the beneficiary is the bank's client
  • 30 min – if the beneficiary is served in another bank

Payments made through payment orders, which follow an additional verification procedure according to the rules in force on preventing, combating money laundering and terrorist financing, will be confirmed by the responsible person within the AML Section, after verifying the supporting documents. In this case, the deadline for making urgent transfers will be extended by 30 minutes or depending on the time for the client to submit the requested documents.

The schedule for receiving payment orders during the working day (operational) (presented for execution at the bank) is established according to the work schedule of the customer service in the branch, but not later than 16:00.


The deposit guarantee ceiling (the maximum amount payable) is MDL 100,000, to a depositor and per Bank. Brochure DGFBS.