The Extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of BC“VICTORIABANK”SA took place on 30 March 2018 at the Bank’s headuarters (mun. Chişinău, str. 31 August 1989, nr. 141), with the presence of shareholders. At the meeting participated shareholders and their representatives holding 91.97% of the total number of shares with voting rights issued by the bank.
The following items from the agenda of the Meeting were voted upon:
1. Early termination of powers of the current Board of Directors of B.C. „Victoriabank” SA;
2. Election of a new Board of Directors of B.C. „Victoriabank” SA;
3. Approval of the Charter of B.C. „Victoriabank” SA in new edition;
4. Amendment and supplement of the Regulation of the Board of Directors of B.C. „Victoriabank” SA.
Upon examining all items included in the agenda, were approved the following:
1. Igor SPOIALA, Deputy Director ÎM „Roofart” SRL;
2. Ionut PATRAHAU, President and founder of the Foundation for Modern Neurosurgery, Brain Academy of Healthcare Management, Bucharest;
3. Tiberiu MOISA, Deputy CEO, Banking for SMEs, Banca Transilvania S.A., Romania;
4. Thomas GRASSE, Independent member of the Board of Directors of Banca Transilvania S.A., Romania;
5. Murat SABAZ, Business Administration, ex Executive Vice President ŞekerBank T.A.Ş.,İstanbul, Turkey;
6. Livia DUMITRESCU, Director, Corporate Affairs and Compliance, OMV Petrom S.A., Romania;
7. Victor TURCAN, founder of B.C. „VICTORIABANK” S.A., owner with a 10.45% share.