Guaranteed consumer credit

Intended for non-nominal consumption expenditure, including refinancing of loans / borrowings from other financial institutions for these purposes, with material guarantees for a period of up to 5 years


About the credit

k Maximum term 13 months

Non-mentioned consumer expenses, including refinancing of credits/ loans issued by other financial institutions

k Maximum term 60 months

Purchase of residential real estate, refinancing of credits/ loans issued by other financial institutions for this purpose

hMaximum credit amount

Up to 1,800,000 MDL


  • Possibility to solve financial problems in the shortest time
  • Possibility to establish the desired credit repayment procedure
  • Flexible way of approaching the financial situation
  • Quick examination of credit applications
  • Low costs and transparent conditions
  • Full financing of projects

Eligibility criteria of the applicant

  • citizenship of the Republic of Moldova or foreign citizenship / statelessness – tax residence of the Republic of Moldova
  • minimum age of 18 years old at the date of credit issuance
  • maximum age of 65 years old at the maturity date of the credit
  • official income and capacity to pay that meets the bank requirements
  • at least 6 months of work at the current job and at least 6 salary records in the State Tax Service Report
  • during the last calendar year, no arrears of more than 61 days for the repayment of credits/ loans contracted from other creditors
  • no credits / loans subject to enforcement in the last 3 years

Required documents

  • documents confirming the monthly income of the applicant and the co-debtor(s) – the salary is extracted from the database of the State Tax Service/ the certificate confirming the military pension and other types of pensions/ confirmation of receipt of remittances/ lease contract/ declaration of income/ employment contract from abroad (for co-debtor)/ decision on distribution of dividends and others (as applicable)
  • a copy of the individual employment contract and its last addendum (at the request of the bank, if applicable)
  • the identity card and the supplementary sheet of the applicant/ co-debtor(s)
  • documents confirming the purpose of the credit
  • title deeds of the residential or commercial real estate provided as collateral
  • the excerpt from the Real Estate Register issued by the Public Services Agency
  • the valuation report of the real estate provided as collateral
  • the insurance policy of the real estate provided as collateral


  • Interest Rate – 7.46% consisting of the NBM Reference Index (3.46%) + Fixed Margin of the Bank (4.0%)

    File analysis commission
    • 1000 MDL for loans up to 1,000,000 MDL
    • 1500 MDL for loans higher than 1,000,000 MDL
    • Annual Commission - 500 MDL

Be financially responsible and careful to pay back the loan on time.

Example of calculation

For a credit in the amount of 200,000.00 MDL with a term of 5 years, the monthly payment is 4,003.79 MDL, the effective annual interest rate (EAR) is 8.32%, and the total amount payable is 243,227.28 MDL.